
Results for "Yoga"

Displaying 31-40 results of 91

happy child, readyt o go back to school
Empowering Your Child: A Holistic Approach to Back-to-School Well-Being
With the new school term approaching, parents are considering how they can help their children be their best this year–feeling confident, self-possessed, healthy, and clear-minded. They want their child to perform academically but are also sensitive to other areas that enrich a youngster’s life, including physical activity, healthy social engagement, body awareness, mental health, and […]
Perimenopause: How to Spot the Signs
If you’re in your mid-30s and find you’re on a hormonal roller coaster, you may be entering perimenopause.  Firstly, don’t panic! This doesn’t mean you’re going to enter menopause anytime soon. This stage in a woman’s reproductive life can last a decade and isn’t a sign that menopause is imminent.  Secondly, don’t assume you have […]
Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Winter
Winter Solstice: the pinnacle of darkness, stillness, and quiet, but with a glimmer of hope, renewal, and rebirth – the gradual return of light. It’s no coincidence that the most festive holidays occur during the shortest days of the year, as humanity attempts to balance darkness with light. Considered the midpoint of the winter Solar […]
Woman with blue and white striped shirt holds a plate of lemons
Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Spring
You’re probably familiar with the solar calendar (used widely today) and the lunar calendar (from many ancient cultures) – but have you heard of the Solar Terms?  The 24 Solar Terms, or Seasonal Nodes, based on both solar and lunar calendars, are biweekly divisions that reflect significant shifts in nature. People in East Asia have […]
Musings on Meditation: Why It May Not Have Worked Before and How to Revisit
As part of a rounded approach to cultivating wellness, I sometimes recommend meditation alongside acupuncture, dietary adjustments, or herbal formulas. Occasionally, the response is “I’ve tried meditation and I can’t do it” or “I’m not good at it.” If you’ve ever felt that way, let me start by reassuring you that you haven’t failed or […]
Woman in an oversized purple shirt sits at a table and is painting
Fatigue & Qi Deficiency: Living with Long-Term Covid
We are living in a time where it is inevitable that you, or someone you love, has been infected with Covid or one of the other infectious variants. While many of us seem to glide through the illness and quarantine, ready to jump back into daily life on the other side, others have found it […]
India's rolling green hills
A Look Into the World of Ayurveda with Divya Alter
Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are two sciences that put emphasis on prevention and intuition. We had the honor of chatting with Divya Alter, co-founder of Divya’s Kitchen and Bhagavat Life in New York City to learn more about Ayurveda and the role it plays in her life.   How did your journey into nutrition and Ayurveda […]
a closeup of two white men holding each other
How to Reclaim Your Sexual Identity with Simone Farschi
Here at Yinova, it’s not uncommon for us to hear from our patients that they feel they’ve lost a connection with their sexuality. We treat many patients going through fertility journeys, navigating the postpartum world, or experiencing painful sex for a variety of reasons-all of which can change their outlooks on what it means to […]
a hand holding small flowers against a white brick wall
Acupuncture & Physical Therapy: An Integrated Approach to Pelvic Floor Health
Join Jessie Weinberg, the Director of Pelvic Health at SPEAR Physical Therapy, and Jill Blakeway, Yinova founder and Doctor of Chinese Medicine, for a discussion on how to combine acupuncture and physical therapy to address pelvic disorders, especially those with a gynecological, urological, or digestive root. Together, acupuncture and Physical Therapy can help calm the […]
October Book Club: Mystical Motherhood
Join us on October 27th at 6 pm for a discussion with Pritam Atma about her first book, “Mystical Motherhood“. Combining Western and Eastern traditions, Mystical Motherhood, is your conscious guide to modern motherhood – from meditation and spirituality to a healthy pregnancy and birth – you will be guided step-by-step on how to raise […]
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