
Results for "Vegetables"

Displaying 31-40 results of 101

Nutrient Dense Fats & Conception
When we’re trying to conceive, we all know it is important to eat well. We at Yinova recommend certain foods for different fertility types, you an find out your type here, but in general, it is best to eat a broad range of whole, organic foods: lots of vegetables and fruit (in all colors!), healthy carbs […]
Chemicals to Avoid When Trying to Conceive
When trying to conceive, it’s important to prepare your body by cleaning up your diet and dropping some unhealthy habits. This isn’t always easy, but it it’s definitely worth making some sacrifices in order to have a healthy pregnancy. Here are a few key chemicals to start with that will impact your journey in a […]
Fatigued, Lowered Immunity, and Swollen Glands?
People who catch colds easily and who find it difficult to battle said colds, people who often say that “they need their sleep” preferring 9-10 hours of sleep per night and often more on the weekends, and people who time and time again find inflammation manifesting as either chronic sinusitis, enlarged tonsils, swollen lymph nodes and/or […]
a black arms man holding a white journal
You Are What You Eat: The Many Colors of Prostate Health
Everyone knows that eating well helps to improve vitality and head off illness. When it comes to specific conditions like prostate cancer, the food choices we make over the years can lessen the chances that disease will take root. One way to make sure that your diet has a broad range of cancer-fighting nutrients is […]
Zucchini “Pasta” with Avocado Pesto, Arugula and Shrimp
We first tasted zucchini pasta at a raw food restaurant a few years ago and were blown away by how similar it is to regular noodles only with some very notable health benefits. This article compares regular pasta to the veggie version and reveals that a normal bowl of pasta has 581 calories and 121g of carbs […]
Treating Constipation in Babies and Children Naturally
In traditional Chinese medicine, the Middle Jiao is the area generally below the heart to the pubic bone. All Middle Jiao issues revolve around the transformation and transportation of food and fluids. We can include the Stomach, the Intestines, the Spleen, the Liver, the Bladder, and the Uterus in the Middle Jiao. When we think […]
A farmers market show cases a wide range of purple garlic
Eating for Your Fertility Type: Waterlogged
For our final piece in for the five-part series, we spotlight the Waterlogged type. For this type, Jill recommends a diet this is 30% protein, 20% complex carbohydrate, and 50% fruits and vegetables. This diet emphasizes consuming cooked green and leafy vegetables (kale, broccoli, mustard greens, chard, dandelion), low sugar fruits (berries), whole grains (brown […]
Various types of Swiss chard leaves, landing from yellow stems to vibrant red
Eating for Your Fertility Type: Dry
The characteristic qualities for the Dry Type are lowered estrogen levels, dehydration, internal heat, hyperthyroidism, and a need for follicle building. To build internal moisture, Jill suggests 40% fruits and vegetables, 40% complex carbohydrates, 10% legumes, and vegetable protein, and 10% animal protein. Consuming foods that are considered “moistening” such as spinach, Swiss chard, lettuces, […]
Your Marathon Prep Guide
There are certain key organs and substances that when strengthened, can benefit a runner’s endurance and overall energy. Here are some Chinese Medicine theories to get you started: The blood nourishes muscles. The liver holds the blood and controls the tendons and sinews, and its associated flavor is sour. The spleen controls muscles and its […]
After Miscarriage, Chinese Medicine Can Help
Having a miscarriage is, very simply, very difficult. There are no two ways about it. If this has happened to you, you may have felt a wide range of emotions; grief, disappointment, guilt, shame, and emptiness. What can you do when something so devastating happens? After all, this rush of emotions can leave you wondering […]
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