
Results for "Vegetables"

Displaying 51-60 results of 101

Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Winter
Winter Solstice: the pinnacle of darkness, stillness, and quiet, but with a glimmer of hope, renewal, and rebirth – the gradual return of light. It’s no coincidence that the most festive holidays occur during the shortest days of the year, as humanity attempts to balance darkness with light. Considered the midpoint of the winter Solar […]
a woman in a green and purple lavender field holds a woven basket filled with lavender
Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Summer
Here comes … Summer! You’re probably familiar with the solar calendar (used widely today) and the lunar calendar (from many ancient cultures) – but have you heard of the Solar Terms?  The 24 Solar Terms, or Seasonal Nodes, based on both solar and lunar calendars, are biweekly divisions that reflect significant shifts in nature. People […]
Fresh yellow and pink rhubarb stems laid on a table
5 Underrated Health Benefits of Rhubarb
Introducing rhubarb, the unsung hero of the vegetable world! Often overlooked and overshadowed by other popular produce, rhubarb is a powerhouse of nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins that can significantly impact your overall health. From bolstering your bone health to strengthening your heart, rhubarb boasts an impressive array of health benefits that are often overlooked. The […]
Woman with blue and white striped shirt holds a plate of lemons
Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Spring
You’re probably familiar with the solar calendar (used widely today) and the lunar calendar (from many ancient cultures) – but have you heard of the Solar Terms?  The 24 Solar Terms, or Seasonal Nodes, based on both solar and lunar calendars, are biweekly divisions that reflect significant shifts in nature. People in East Asia have […]
Woman in an oversized purple shirt sits at a table and is painting
Fatigue & Qi Deficiency: Living with Long-Term Covid
We are living in a time where it is inevitable that you, or someone you love, has been infected with Covid or one of the other infectious variants. While many of us seem to glide through the illness and quarantine, ready to jump back into daily life on the other side, others have found it […]
a handful of pink mushrooms lay on a wooden chopping board
A Look Into the World of Hormonal Health with Sophie Shepard
Here at Yinova, we treat all of our patients using a whole-body system and we love connecting with other health practitioners who take the same approach. Most of our patients are coming to us for guidance on their hormonal imbalances, which we often treat through their gut.  We recently caught up with Sophie Shepard, a […]
woman sitting on stairs, resting in between exercises
Self-Help Strategies for Uterine Fibroids
A 35-year-old patient came to see me for periods that were so heavy that they’d had been diagnosed with anemia. A 45-year-old patient came to me with an abdomen that protruded so much that their friend had mistakenly thought they were pregnant. A 39-year-old patient of mine had been having difficulty conceiving. What all these patients […]
woman standing in sunlight field of flowers
Summer Skin Protection Tips
Summer has finally arrived and after spending months waiting to get back outside, it’s time to reunite with the outdoors and, of course, the sunshine. While we are anxiously reaching for Vitamin D, we are exposing our skin to the effects of radiant rays from the Sun. Protecting yourself is extremely important during this time […]
Woman in the middle of her skin care routine
Tackling Premenstrual Acne from a Chinese Medicine Perspective
Many women come to me before getting their period who are suffering from acne. This is also a common complaint of women who have recently come off the pill. The skin is the largest organ in the human body yet so often we neglect it unless something goes wrong. When issues present on the skin, […]
Late Summer in Central Park
Late Summer: The Fifth Season
In traditional Chinese medicine, our bodies and ourselves reflect the natural world we live in and being in harmony with the seasons increases health and well-being. Late Summer is considered a separate season in traditional Chinese medicine. In the middle of the Chinese calendar, Late Summer is a transition time when we return to the […]
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