
Results for "Eating for your fertility type"

Displaying 1-10 results of 28

Woman in greenery holding a book
Study Reveals that Blood Group May Affect Fertility
Women* with a common blood type could be twice as likely to suffer from fertility problems, say scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and Yale University. Women* with blood group O are at a higher risk of running out of healthy eggs according to research presented this week at the American […]
Kale and quinoa in a bowl
Eating for Your Fertility Type: Tired
Three key ways to optimizing the diet for the Tired Type are to maintain balanced blood sugar levels, consume foods for hormonal balance, and support thermal digestion using Chinese balancing therapeutic principles. In Making Babies, Jill recommends a breakdown of 50% complex carbohydrates, 30% vegetables and fruits, and 20% high-quality protein for the Tired Type. […]
Bring on the Healing: Our Wellness Guide for 2021
Setting a New Year’s resolution can give us focus, or it can add pressure and feel stressful. We’ve all been there. One minute we’re creating a self-improvement challenge, and the next, we’re overwhelmed by all the things we believe we ought to fix.  At the end of every year, there is a flurry of articles […]
Fresh broccoli, resting on a dark wooden cutting board, ready to be chopped and used in nourishing recipes
Eating for Your Fertility Type: Stuck
The characteristic qualities of the Stuck type include physical stress manifested in sluggish digestion, hormonal shifts within the menstrual cycle, and extra care in promoting healthy blood flow in menstruation. For these patients, Jill suggests a diet that creates an internal balance which means sourcing and cooking fresh, whole foods with a daily profile of […]
Freshly made broth with some cut veggies, on a vibrant green background
Eating for Your Fertility Type: Pale
In Making Babies, Jill guides people trying to conceive using the classification of five different fertility types: Pale, Waterlogged, Tired, Stuck, and Dry.  Over the next several weeks, I will relate each type to their distinct dietary needs, including a recipe or two as examples of things you can easily prepare at home to boost […]
A farmers market show cases a wide range of purple garlic
Eating for Your Fertility Type: Waterlogged
For our final piece in for the five-part series, we spotlight the Waterlogged type. For this type, Jill recommends a diet this is 30% protein, 20% complex carbohydrate, and 50% fruits and vegetables. This diet emphasizes consuming cooked green and leafy vegetables (kale, broccoli, mustard greens, chard, dandelion), low sugar fruits (berries), whole grains (brown […]
Various types of Swiss chard leaves, landing from yellow stems to vibrant red
Eating for Your Fertility Type: Dry
The characteristic qualities for the Dry Type are lowered estrogen levels, dehydration, internal heat, hyperthyroidism, and a need for follicle building. To build internal moisture, Jill suggests 40% fruits and vegetables, 40% complex carbohydrates, 10% legumes, and vegetable protein, and 10% animal protein. Consuming foods that are considered “moistening” such as spinach, Swiss chard, lettuces, […]
Looking to Boost Fertility? Chinese Medicine Can Help
Looking to Boost Fertility? Chinese Medicine Can Help Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture and diet, has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions, including infertility. Here’s what you need to know about Chinese medicine to improve your chances of conceiving. Key Takeaways Acupuncture is a proven remedy for many fertility issues, […]
cookies and milk, a classic combination!
Fertility & Fats: What to Eat and What to Avoid When Trying to Conceive
One recent study said that women* who eat low-fat dairy foods may have a higher risk of infertility than those who treat themselves to full-fat ice cream or cheese. Another found that getting just 2% of total calories from trans fats instead of healthier monounsaturated fats was associated with a doubled risk of infertility. So […]
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