
Results for "Eating for your fertility type"

Displaying 21-28 results of 28

Someone sitting quietly in a blue chair
Do You Have PCOS?
Over the past few years, I have noticed a rise in people coming to the Yinova Center for acupuncture and herbal medicine to treat polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. These patients usually have irregular periods or in many cases, no periods, and are looking to regulate their cycles in a natural way. What is PCOS? […]
Regulating Blood Sugar
The endocrine system and hormonal regulation What is the endocrine system, and why should we care? The endocrine system is a complex system of glands which secrete hormones. Hormones are like little chemical messengers that communicate to specific organs in order to regulate a particular function.  When you hear the word hormones, what comes to […]
The Effects of Diet and Exercise on PCOS
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can cause irregular menstrual cycles which can cause hormonal infertility. While the exact cause is unknown, an excess of androgen hormones, high insulin levels, stress, low-grade inflammation, obesity, and genetic predisposition can contribute to the incidence of PCOS. Can you take control of your diet and exercise regiment to help reduce […]
Using Chinese Medicine to Treat PCOS
Several recent studies have explored the use of acupuncture to treat polycystic ovary syndrome in women * with encouraging results. We see quite a number of patients who are suffering from PCOS at the Yinova Center and have found that a combination of acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can be really helpful for managing a […]
How to Keep a Healthy Testosterone Balance
When we hear about testosterone, it is often because we catch a whiff of a scandal involving some athlete or celebrity who has been caught juicing (the use of performance-enhancing drugs). If we think a little closer to home, a more realistic way of hearing about testosterone levels is when we start to see the signs […]
A bowl of oranges and lemons
Foods to Eat & to Avoid During Pregnancy
When I was expecting my daughter I vividly remember bursting into tears in the middle of a supermarket. Partly this mild hysteria was due to my pregnancy hormones but I also felt overwhelmed by all the conflicting advice and seemingly dire warnings around pregnancy and food. It seemed as if the advice kept changing and […]
woman holding a seed stick
Seed Cycling: How to Bring your Hormones Back into Balance
We talk about hormonal balance a lot here at the Yinova center; in fact, one of the most common things we hear when seeing someone for the first time is that they feel their hormones are “off” in some way:  causing disruptions to their menstrual cycles, skin, digestion, energy, or mood. We see hormonal imbalances present […]
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Musculoskeletal Discomfort
Even very early in pregnancy, your body begins to transform to accommodate and prepare for childbirth. Your pelvic girdle shifts to support a growing fetus and as pregnancy advances, weight is redistributed sometimes stressing musculoskeletal structures as they shift, adjust, and realign. This causes a change in your center of gravity. Some of the hormones […]
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